Language Concepts
- Phonetically building up words-CAT< RUN, PAN etc
- Missing letter, dictation Aa – Zz
- Singular and Plural form of nouns
- Introduction of action words
- Continuation of sight words
- Prepositions
- Is able to formulate simple instructions
- Waits for own turn in conversation
- Retells short stories and sequential events
- Understands concept of days of the week, months, seasons
- Knows the spelling of own name and can write it
- Starts reading simple words and spotting them in sentences
- Vocabulary increases in English
Math Concepts
- Number names
- Fill in the missing numbers
- Greater and smaller
- Ascending and descending order of numbers
- Identifies uncommon shapes and related them to everyday objects
- Recognizes abstract concepts like far/near, past/future
- Writes and recognizes numbers
- Counts and is able to circle objects up to 20
- Identifies patterns and can skip count in 2's and 5's and 10's
- Can fill in missing sequence patterns
- Rote counts up to 200
- Knows ordinal positions (1st-5th)
- Starts on simple addition and take away
Fine Motor Skills
- Proud of managing activities and instructions well
- Understands safety and is cautious while using instruments
- Is able to button, lace bead with dexterity
Gross Motor Skills
- Can organize simple games
- Is able to coordinate instructions with hand and leg movement
- Can participate in musical games with precision
- Climbs with confidence
Science Concepts
- Comparing, classifying, estimating amounts
- Differentiating weights and predicting outcomes
- Understands different forms of the same resource
- Participates in simple experiments from everyday life
- Becoming aware of natural resources and land forms
Life Skills
- Knows parents occupations
- Learns to respect elders and values relationships
- Knows telephone number, address, city/state, and birthday
- Works at resolving issues with others by expressing feelings and emotions through words rather than physical action
- Starts talking about conservation
- Observes hygiene and is conscious about surroundings
- Understands left and right signs
Music Skills
- Is able to sing and recite songs and rhymes independently in the presence of adults
- Relates words and lyrics to actions and understands their relevance
Art Expressions
- Understanding the relevance of art and craft activities in relation with science, math and language
- Experiments and enjoys different media like everyday objects and natural resources
Some of the other concepts that would be covered in PP2
- Time
- Currency
- Days of the week
- Names of the months
- Names of different countries